Boiler Sprint Triathlon

West Lafayette, IN

Boiler Sprint Triathlon



Due to concerns regarding the COVID-19 virus, the race committee has decided to announce the cancellation of our Boiler Sprint 2020 sprint triathlon. The cancellation is in accordance with local, state, and federal recommendations for public events.

While many spring and early summer races are announcing cancellations, we hope that late-season races will continue as planned. Our Purdue BoilerMan Olympic-distance race in September is a fast course, and a great way to end a season of hard work. Keep an eye out for more information in the coming months!


300 Meter Swim, 20k Bike, 5k Run     
The Purdue Triathlon Club's Boiler Sprint Triathlon is a great race for everyone. With a swim in Purdue’s Competition Pool, and bike and run courses that travel around Purdue’s campus, the shorter distance triathlon is perfect for triathletes of all levels! The course's sprint distance is perfect for beginners wishing to tackle their first triathlon, or the seasoned athlete wishing to participate on a fast course. Also, being the first outdoor triathlon in the region, it allows participants to test their months of indoor training.
Packet Pickup:
April 18thth (time TBA) at Hodson’s Bay Company (360 Brown St, West Lafayette, IN 47906) from 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Packets can also be picked up day of at race site. Please note: Day-Of sign-ups WILL BE AVAILABLE at Hodson’s on April 19th.

Swim - The swim will take place indoors at the Purdue Aquatic Competition Pool.  Racers will be seeded by projected swim time, with a time trial start at 5 second intervals.   

Bike: The bike course consists of a scenic riverside out and back course through the surrounding West Lafayette area.

Run: The run will be a two loop course around West Lafayette and Purdue campus.

If you have not done so already, please familiarize yourself with the course maps. Each racer is responsible for knowing the course. We will have police and volunteers stationed on the course, but you should know the general layout. Both the bike and the run courses will be marked with cones at major turn points. Spray paint will also be used for the bike course, while neon duct tape will be used for the run course. Police officers will be directing traffic at major intersections along the bike course, and volunteers will be stationed to point you in the right direction. However, please be aware of your surroundings at all times, in that no roads will be completely closed for this race.

There WILL be race site parking on race day at the France A. Cordova Recreational Center (355 N Martin Jischke Dr, West Lafayette, IN 47906) at the North Lot.  Please note that road side parking and equipment drop off is NOT permitted in front of the transition area.   


EMS will be available at the race site during the entirety of the race. There will also be police stationed at all major intersections. 

Schedule of Events: 
Race Day Times: (Eastern Time)
    7:00 am - Transition and Packet Pickup Open            
    8:30 am - Packet pickup closes
    8:45 am - Transition Closes
    8:45 am - Pre-race Meeting (taking place at transition)
    9:00 am - Race starts at Purdue Competition Pool
              Seeded Individuals at 5 Second Intervals   
    12:00 pm - Race support closes, Award Ceremony 


There will be a $5 race day price increase.


There will be no refunds, as this is a club fundraiser.

When & Where

Apr 19, 2020


8:00 AM

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West Lafayette, IN

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